Wednesday, October 16, 2013

family history

My grandfather is not alive now but he has told us lot of stories how he migrated from India to Pakistan. In 1947 when Hindus and Muslims divide the subcontinent of India into two different parts known as India and Pakistan, my great grand parents and my grand parents had to leave India. They describe it as a very horrific event of their lives. They were happy to be a part of country where they can practice their own religion but on the other hand they were sad to leave all their assets, lands, valuables, jewellery behind. They saw a lot of blood shed , riots and local level fighting, so many people died in fact it is the largest mass migration in history. All this violence that they saw during migration would bring tears to their eyes every time they will tell us about it.

 founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah

PARTITION OF INDIA Pakistan Independence 1947 Newspaper 

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